21 Aug 2016

Nudge - 21 August

From TED Radio Hour, 7:06 pm on 21 August 2016

It's hard to change habits, but a gentle push can move us in the right direction. This episode, TED speakers offer deceptively simple "nudges" for managing our kids, our health, and our aspirations.

Richard Thaler: What Is A Nudge?
Judson Brewer: Can Mindfulness Help You Quit Smoking?
Carol Dweck: Should We Stop Telling Kids They're Smart?
Reshma Saujani: Can Coding Help Girls Take Risks?
Richard Thaler: How Are Health Workers Putting An End To Guinea Worms?
Sendhil Mullainathan: How Can A Nudge Save A Life?
NPR’s  TED Radio Hour

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