16 Sep 2012

Te Ahi Kaa for 16 September 2012

From Te Ahi Kaa , 6:30 pm on 16 September 2012

Later this year, over a dozen street names in the Turangi Township will be replaced with the correct Maori spellings and whakapapa pertinent to the rohe. Maraea Rakuraku finds out more with Tina Porou of the hapu Ngati Turangitukua, while District Manager of Pubic Parks and Spaces, John Rudd explains the process at a District Council level. Justine Murray tiki-tours Porangahau with Te Poriti Tipene and Morehu Smith. In the series Nga Marae o te motu, Heemi Kara recalls the early days of establishing Orongomai Marae, Upper Hutt.