Sunday, 16 August 2009
16 Here-turi Kōka (August) 2009
"Mōtātou, a mo nga uri a muri ake nei."
For us and for those after us.
The Strength of Water debuted at the International Film Festival in Wellington. Written by award-winning playwright, poet and writer, Briar Grace Smith, the story centres around twins Kimi and Melody. Maraea Rakuraku was at the premiere and talks to Nancy Brunning about her role and acting in some of the more challenging scenes of the movie.
Te Whe Phillips' role as kaitiaki (guardian) for the Ngāi Tahu exhibition Mō Tātou meant she had to leave her home in Rapaki (Southland) and her much loved gardens for life in a high rise apartment in Wellington. Te Whe gives Justine Murray a tour of the exhibition and shares memorable experiences from her kaitiaki role.
About four hundred people attended the official closing ceremony of the Mō Tātou exhibition at Te Papa Museum. Te Ahi Kaa this week includes speeches from Ngāi Tahu Runanga kaiwhakahaere (chairman) Mark Solomon and Ngāi Tahu kaumatua, Kukupa Tirikatene Sullivan.
The archival segment Nga Tāonga Kōrero is from 1997 and features Libby Hakaraia interviewing researcher Jacqui Forbes about then new internet site Toi te Kupu, and how the internet would benefit Māori.
This week's whakataūki was provided by Te Whe Phillips (Ngāi Tahu).
Waiata featured:
Letting Go from the EP Maisey Rika by Maisey Rika