2 Dec 2012

Sarah Miles - Fiasco in Christchurch

From Sunday Morning, 8:42 am on 2 December 2012

Before the earthquakes, Sarah Miles ran a psychotherapy practice in Christchurch. During the recovery phase she was astounded to find that when it comes to issues of real importance to the citizens - welfare, policyholder protection, economic security and education - politicians are conveniently deaf, dumb and blind. She's written a book intended to expose the Government and the insurance industry's failure, she says, to protect the citizens of Christchurch and draw attention to the need for change to ensure that there is not a repeat of what she describes as the fiasco that happened in her city. Sarah Miles' book, The Christchurch Fiasco - Insurance Aftershock and its Implications for New Zealand and Beyond, is published by Dunmore Publishing.

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