24 Mar 2019

Dominic O'Connell: Brexit and being back home in Christchurch for the terror attacks

From Sunday Morning, 7:11 am on 24 March 2019
The EU has agreed to postpone Brexit from next Friday and give UK Prime Minister Theresa May more time to get her withdrawal deal approved in Parliament.

The EU has agreed to postpone Brexit from next Friday and give UK Prime Minister Theresa May more time to get her withdrawal deal approved in Parliament. Photo: AFP

The Christchurch native and BBC business reporter on the latest rumblings in the ongoing Brexit saga -- which will now see the United Kingdom leave the European Union on May 22 if Parliament accepts British Prime Minister Theresa May's deal -- and the shock of being back home for a visit to his hometown when the city was turned on its head once again -- this time by the actions of a lone gunmen who attacked two mosques in the Garden City.

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