5 Jun 2016

Cigarette Taxes - A Panel Discussion

From Sunday Morning, 10:07 am on 5 June 2016
Eric Crampton, Marewa Glover and Tony Blakely

Eric Crampton, Marewa Glover and Tony Blakely Photo: supplied

Cigarette smoking has been front and centre in the news this week - with the announcement that the price of a pack of cigarettes will rise to $30 over the next four years. Joining Wallace to discuss the pros and cons of tobacco taxes are: Associate professor Marewa Glover from Massey University who has worked on tobacco control issues for 23 years and is a recognised authority on electronic cigarettes and their use; Tony Blakely, a professor of public health at Otago University, Wellington; and economist Dr Eric Crampton of The New Zealand Initiative.

Public Health blog on Cigarette taxes and Eric Crampton's response.

Disclosures: Imperial Tobacco and Lion are among the New Zealand Initiative's 44 member organisations. Neither Tony Blakely nor Marewa Glover has ever received funding from the tobacco, alcohol or food industries.