17 Aug 2014

Nicky Hager - Dirty Politics

From Sunday Morning, 10:05 am on 17 August 2014

Investigative journalist Nicky Hager is the author of the most talked about book of the year to date – Dirty Politics: How attack politics is poisoning New Zealand’s political environment.

Nicky Hager's Dirty Politics claims that Tony Falkenstein, was the target of online attacks written by the blogger Cameron Slater.Photo: RNZ

There have been calls for Mr Hager to release the information he was given for the book, Dirty Politics so the allegations can be fact-checked.

He told the Sunday Morning programme he returned the material to his contact because a recent court judgement could have meant he would have to reveal his source.

I went back to my source in the last couple of days and said would you mind if I took a pile of the source documents about Jason Ede and Judith Collins and things and spread it around the media? And the source said to me 'no' actually and basically implied that they might release the information themselves.

Mr Hager has asked the source that if they do release the documents, they keep private information out of the public sphere.

Wallace Chapman talks to Nicky Hager about the origins of the book, its revelations, and the state of New Zealand politics.

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