Navigation for Sunday Morning

8:12 Insight: The Celtic Tiger - Boom and Bust

Until the global financial crisis struck, Ireland was held up as a shining example of how to run a successful modern economy. But it has fallen harder than most during the global recession and its banking system and economy are in a mess.
Written and Presented by Nigel Sterling
Produced by Sue Ingram

8:40 Chinese author Xinran

Xinran talks to Chris Laidlaw about the place of women in modern China. Xinran is the author of two best-selling books on China: The Good Women of China and Sky Burial. Her latest, Message From An Unknown Chinese Mother is made up of the stories of Chinese mothers whose daughters have been wrenched from them.

9:06 Mediawatch

This week talks to Joanne Morris, the outgoing chair of the Broadcasting Standards Authority, which upholds the standards our broadcasters are obliged to abide by. Mediawatch also looks at a newspaper's security scare story which sank like a soggy souffle and how our broadcasters use their news programmes these days to plug their own entertainment shows. Produced and presented by Colin Peacock and Jeremy Rose.

9:45 Psychiatrist John Gleisner talks to Chris Laidlaw about his experiences working for the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Bethlehem

10:06 Professor Paul Tapsell

The head of Te Tumu, the University of Otago's school of Maori, Pacific and Indigenous Studies discusses the resurgence of interest in Maori culture and language, but at the same time holds fears that traditions are "decaying beyond repair".

10:45 Hidden Treasures

Each week Trevor Reekie takes you on a trip that seeks out musical gems from niche markets around the globe, the latest re-releases and interesting sounds from the shallow end of the bit stream.
Produced by Trevor Reekie

11:05 Ideas: Smoke Free Aotearoa?

A surprising number of those making submissions to the recent Maori Affairs Select Committee Inquiry into the tobacco industry called for a complete ban on the sale of tobacco. So is it just - excuse the expression - a pipe dream or is a smoke free nation a realistic goal?
Presented by Chris Laidlaw
Produced by Jeremy Rose