Navigation for Summer Report

07:00 News

07:25 Newspapers from the main centres

07:30 News features

07:45 Summer feature

Was a shark attack in Golden Bay covered up? Nick Butcher finds out.

07:55 Place Names

Peter Dowling looks at the German influence on our place names.

08:00 News

08:25 Outspoken

What role should the Treaty of Waitangi play in our constitution? We’re discussing this on Outspoken tonight.

08:30 News

08:35 Surfing

Doug Young on the best spots to surf in this year.

08:45 Summer feature

Nick Butcher meets an octopus at the Island Bay Marine Education Centre.

08:55 Summer Birds

Lynn Freeman gets close and personal with the kaka.

Gallery: Zealandia - Kaka

Videos of the fledgling kaka on Vimeo

Chicks at three weeks. from Radio New Zealand on Vimeo.