Our Changing World for Thursday 3 May 2007
Dacia Herbulock speaks with Philip Boyd of NIWA and Ken Buesseler of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution about their newly published research into carbon uptake in the ocean's "twilight zone", and its implications for current models of climate change.
Veronika Meduna visits a team of researchers studying addiction at Melbourne's Howard Florey Institute who have discovered a system in the brain that stops an alcoholic's craving for a drink, and helps prevent relapse.
A proposed field trial of genetically modified brassicas is currently under review by the Environmental Risk Management Authority. Dean Williams talks to Mary Christey of Crop & Food Research about the issue.
Louise Wallace covers the history of Otara Health, a grassroots health promotion organisation that focuses on the needs of local communities. She speaks with Fay Cobden-Grainge, who thinks Otara's experience can provide an object lesson for other communities internationally.
Coming Up Next Week
A follow-up on genetically modified brassicas with Jack Heinemann of the Centre for Integrated Research on Biosafety at the University of Canterbury, who entered a submission at ERMA's recent public hearing.
Veronika Meduna reports from Bangkok on the release of the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report, Mitigation of Climate Change.
A trial exploring a new treatment for women who have suffered multiple miscarriages, aimed at increasing their chances of carrying a pregnancy to term. Louise Wallace speaks with Claire McLintoch of Auckland University, who supervises the trial.
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