5 Jun 2014

The Feuerstein method of brain strengthening

From Nine To Noon, 9:38 am on 5 June 2014

Rabbi Feuerstein supplied AugRabbi Rafi Feuerstein is the vice president of the non-profit Feuerstein Institute. Its method of brain strengthening was developed in Israel and is applied to assist an enormous range of people - from the brain injured, to the learning disabled, the elderly and alzheimers patients.

The method was developed by Rabbi Feuerstein's father, the late Professor Reuven Feuerstein (pictured). A clinical, developmental and cognitive psychologist, he is known for demonstrating that intelligence is not fixed but modifiable. Professor Feuerstein was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012.

Rabbi Rafi Feuerstein talks about the Feurstein method with Kathryn Ryan on Nine to Noon.