24 May 2024

Asia correspondent Ed White

From Nine To Noon, 9:50 am on 24 May 2024
Taiwan, New Taipei, january 5 2024, William Lai (Lai Ching-Te) makes a victory sign during a meeting of the Democratic Progressive Party on the occasion of the campaign for the Taiwanese presidential election of 2024. Photograph by Jimmy Beunardeau / Hans Lucas. Taiwan, New Taipei, 5 janvier 2024, William Lai (Lai Ching-Te) fait un signe de victoire lors d un meeting du Parti democrate progressiste a l occasion de la campagne pour l election presidentielle taiwanaise de 2024. Photographie de Jimmy Beunardeau / Hans Lucas. (Photo by Jimmy Beunardeau / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP)

Image of William Lai Photo: AFP

Taiwan has a new president - William Lai - how is Beijing responding to his election and inauguration? 

The US-China trade war is back in full-swing after Joe Biden’s latest comments on green technology exports.

And researchers in China are developing a new AI chatbot based off the thoughts of the country’s leader, Xi Jinping.

Ed White is a correspondent for the Financial Times, based in Shanghai.