24 May 2024

Calls for vigilance as bird flu cases hit Australia

From Nine To Noon, 9:05 am on 24 May 2024
A digitally-colorized microscopic image of Avian Influenza A (H5N1) virus particles (seen in gold), grown in epithelial cells (green).

Photo: CDC/ Cynthia Goldsmith, Jacqueline Katz, Sherif R Zaki

Conservation and health authorities are urged to remain on high alert as two instances of bird flu hit Australia. A child in Victoria came down with a severe infection from the highly contagious H5N1 strain, after returning from India.

And hundreds of thousands of birds at an egg farm in the state had to be euthanised, after an outbreak of a different strain.

Distinguished Professor of infectious disease epidemiology and public health, Nigel French, says avian influenza is truly surrounding the country now.