9 Aug 2023

Around the motu: Kelly Makiha in Rotorua

From Nine To Noon, 10:45 am on 9 August 2023
Jason Trembath appearing for sentence this month in the Rotorua District Court, Rotorua's out-of-date courthouse, Wetini Mitai Ngatai has retired himself and his award-winning group Te Mātarae I Ōrehu.

Jason Trembath appearing for sentence this month in the Rotorua District Court, Rotorua's out-of-date courthouse, Wetini Mitai Ngatai has retired himself and his award-winning group Te Mātarae I Ōrehu. Photo: Kelly Makiha, Andrew Warner

Kelly joins Susie to talk about repeat sex offender Jason Trembath's latest jail term for an indecent act in front of a tourist at a McDonald's carpark.

The former representative cricket player, who was out on parole when the offending happened will remain behind bars until the end of the year - when his new sentence start.

Another court case that's caught the headlines was that of the unnamed entertainment figure who was up on serious sex assault and drug offences. A jury this week returned mainly not guilty verdicts. 

Rotorua has been told it's getting a new courthouse - but where?

And Kapa Haka legend Wetini Mitai-Ngatai has announced the group is retiring from competition.

Kelly Makiha is a senior journalist with the Rotorua Daily Post

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