19 Jul 2023

Around the motu : Alisha Evans in Tauranga

From Nine To Noon, 10:45 am on 19 July 2023
An artist’s impression of the proposed community stadium at the Tauranga Domain

An artist’s impression of the proposed community stadium at the Tauranga Domain Photo: Tauranga City Council

The Tauranga City Council is seeking feedback on a proposed $220 million stadium, there's a call from Western Bay of Plenty officials for the Government to upgrade a critical highway for the region and the rural community of Te Puna rallying to be heard about non-compliant industrial activity in their area.

State Highway 29/29A could be widened to include bus lanes if the business case is funded by the government

State Highway 29/29A could be widened to include bus lanes if the business case is funded by the government Photo: John Borren/SunLive.

Western Bay of Plenty Local Democracy reporter Alisha Evans based in Tauranga with SunLive

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