7 Dec 2022

AUT Vice-Chancellor Damon Salesa on 170 academic staff cuts

From Nine To Noon, 9:20 am on 7 December 2022

Yesterday Nine to Noon looked at the impact of redundancies at AUT among academic staff - particularly on post-graduate students who are losing their supervisors.

170 academic positions are being cut by the university, but there are concerns about whether the criteria by which staff were selected to lose their jobs was fair.

Legal proceedings have been launched by the Tertiary Education Union, which says the University has truncated the processes for dismissal set out in the collective agreement.

It argues staff were selected because they failed to meet teaching and research requirements they didn't know they were subject to. Kathryn speaks to Damon Salesa, who is Vice-Chancellor of AUT.

Professor Damon Salesa

Professor Damon Salesa Photo: supplied by AUT

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