8 Mar 2021

A snapshot of belonging in Aotearoa

From Nine To Noon, 9:41 am on 8 March 2021
New Zealand Government buildings, House neo classical style House of Parliament with Beehive behind with iconic ponga fern frond one of NZ's emblems.

Photo: 123RF

A group formed in the aftermath of the Christchurch Mosque terror attacks has been surveying people around the country about belonging and inclusion. 

Inclusive Aotearoa Collective held meetings in 45 towns and cities around the country, meeting with 860 people from all backgrounds and walks of life, asking what makes people feel they belong, and what stops them from feeling that way.

Project Lead for Inclusive Aotearoa Collective Tāhono Anjum Rahman and Project Facilitator Keriana Tawhiwhirangi explain the genesis and objectives of the project.

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