5 Feb 2021

More rural hospital doctors & more funding needed

From Nine To Noon, 9:18 am on 5 February 2021
Rural hospital trainees at a training workshop in South Hokianga

Rural hospital trainees at a training workshop in South Hokianga Photo: Supplied

The country's only dedicated rural hospital training course is delivering doctors where they're needed, but is crying out for more funding. A fifth of the population rely on rural health services, and the Rural Hospital Medicine Training Programme was set up in 2008 to address shortages in the field. 

Ten years on, a paper assessing the RHMTP's efficacy shows over 90 percent of graduates are choosing to work in provincial New Zealand; two thirds in the South Island. However, the study also reveals the continuing barriers to providing this much-needed resource includes a need for more funding for training requirements.  Lynn Freeman speaks with University of Otago report authors Dr Kaati Blattner and Dr Garry Nixon.

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