30 Oct 2020

Busted: Investigator Ron McQuilter on his biggest cases

From Nine To Noon, 10:06 am on 30 October 2020
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Photo: Supplied

Ron McQuilter lives by his ABCs - Assume nothing, Believe nobody, Check everything. It's helped him through 37 years working as a private investigator in New Zealand. Born in Scotland, Ron followed his sweetheart back to her homeland and set out to work as a private eye. He's run his company Paragon NZ for over three decades. In that time he's been involved in a number of high-profile investigations for corporates and other government entities - but the case that left the biggest impact on him was the disappearance of New Zealander Lee Sheppard in London in 2003. His determination to work out what happened to Lee is told in Ron's new book, Busted.

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