What's behind Auckland's rail network disruption?

From Nine To Noon, 9:08 am on 12 October 2020

Auckland drivers' Harbour Bridge woes might be over, but it's another story for the city's rail commuters.

Rail network services are set for months of disruption, with rolling four-week outages on the metro lines as part of a complex repair project and speed restrictions of 40 kilometres per hour.

Testing identified 100 kilometres of track in Auckland that needed to be repaired or replaced. In addition to existing disruption, the entire rail service in Auckland will be shut for a month over Christmas and New Year.

Joining Kathryn is Niall Robertson, chair of the Public Transport Users Association, which believes an inquiry is warranted into what it says are maintenance failures and Todd Moyle, KiwiRail's chief operating officer.

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Photo: LDR

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