Ko Waitangi te Awa Trust planting project Photo: supplied
A new charitable trust is hoping a collaboration with Corrections will result in a win-win: jobs for soon-to-be-released inmates and improved quality in the regions waterways.
The Ko Waitangi Te Awa Charitable Trust is working with the Northland Regional Correctional Facility at Ngawha on the project. Inmates are growing seedlings in a nursery inside the wire, and for only the second time today eight inmates will plant trees along the Waitangi River at Pahia, as part of a prisoner work party under Corrections supervision.
Kathryn speaks with Trust chairman Ngati Kawa Taituha, Northland Regional Correctional Facility Manager Industries, Colin Thompson and Sustainable Coastlines founder Sam Judd, who is working with Ko Waitangi Te Awa Trust.