25 Jun 2019

Fox landfill cleanup - is there an end in sight?

From Nine To Noon, 9:19 am on 25 June 2019
Fox Glacier landfill clean-up

Fox Glacier landfill clean-up Photo: Owen Kilgour

The Department of Conservation has now taken the reins from Westland District Council as the lead agency co-ordinating the clean-up of the Fox and Cook riverbeds polluted by the wash out of an old landfill on the West Coast - but without any additional funding.

It's a big job with DOC now looking for 30 volunteers a day to help. Meanwhile, environmental action group Forest & Bird has raised questions that without additional funding, the DOC led clean up will come at the expense of  important conservation work on the West Coast. DOC's Owen Kilgour is the Incident Management Controller for the Fox Riverbed Cleanup.