14 Sep 2017

Healthy eating for vibrant and healthy kids

From Nine To Noon, 11:33 am on 14 September 2017

Helping our kids to live healthy and happy lives is a goal all parents strive to achieve, but with obesity becoming a growing global issue, are we doing enough? New Zealand now rates as the third fattest population in the OECD after the US and Mexico and a third of children and two-thirds of adults are overweight or obese. Registered dietitian Lea Stening wants to turn that around, by helping parents understand the nutritional components needed to build structure into a child's diet, as well as the family's. She talks to Kathryn Ryan about her new book, Healthy Kids, Happy Lives - a guide for parents on how to buy and prepare healthy food, including some easy-to-prepare recipes that show examples of good nutrition.

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