4 Sep 2014

Writer and adventurer Robert Twigger on the Nile River

From Nine To Noon, 10:08 am on 4 September 2014

Robert Twigger, the author of Angry White Pyjamas and Big Snake, was born in 1964 and educated at Oxford, where he won the Newdigate Poetry Prize. In 1991 he went to Japan, studied traditional martial arts, and completed the course for the Tokyo riot police. In 1996 Twigger trained as a bullfighter in Spain, went looking for bona fide zombies in Haiti, and reported for the Daily Telegraph on chain gangs in Arizona. In 1997 he spent four months in Indonesia, attempting to capture the longest snake in the world. After many setbacks and adventures, his team succeeded in capturing a python twenty-six feet long - almost certainly a world record for a snake currently in captivity. His latest book, Red Nile - A Biography of the World's Greatest River, is published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson.