Nine To Noon for Thursday 19 May 2022
09:05 Former drug dealer, jailed half his life, says gangs must be outlawed
Photo: supplied
A former drug dealer, who's spent half his life in prison, says gangs are a scourge and must be outlawed. Rotorua based Billy McFarlane once ran a large methamphetamine operation in the Bay of Plenty, for which he was jailed in maximum security prison for 14 years, following earlier incarerations. Now he runs a residential rehabilitation programme for ex-offenders called Pūwhakamua. But gang members are not welcome in the programme, and he says he's turned down hundreds of them.Billy McFarlane says he's worried that gang numbers are growing, and in Rotorua, there have been gang skirmishes even in primary schools between children of gang families. He says no one is calling it out and he's had enough.
09:30 Australian Election 2 days out: pollster
Photo: AFP
Australians will be making their way to the polling booths to vote in the federal election on Saturday. Labor's Anthony Albanese is taking on Coalition incumbant Scott Morrison. The prime minister has appealed for Australians to stick with certainty, the Labor leader insists the country can't afford three more years of the Coalition. The polls have Albanese 2% ahead. Stephen Mills from Talbot Mills Research whose clients include the Australian Labor Party.
09:45 UK correspondent Matt Dathan
Photo: AFP
Matt talks to Kathryn about the cost of living crisis reaching boiling point in the UK as inflation hit a 40-year high of 9%. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak has warned the next few months are going to be tough. He is under intense pressure to bring forward a big money policy to significantly help people cope with rising food prices and energy bills. Also, Westminster is yet again plunged into a sexual assault scandal after the arrest of an unnamed Conservative MP on suspicion of rape and sexual assault offences spanning seven years between 2002 and 2009. And the UK public remains transfixed with what has become known as the "Wagatha Christie" trial.
10:05 Ngārchitecture: the potential of indigenous housing projects
Photo: Anthony Hoete
Anthony Hoete is an entrepreneurial architect, developer, teacher and researcher, who has spent the last 30 years in Europe, mostly in the UK. In 2002 he set up WHAT_architecture, and then later his own development company, called Game of Architecture, developing a reputation as an award-winning and unconventional architect, with a passion for affordable housing. But after half his lifetime living in London, his tūrangawaewae has called him home. He returned to Aotearoa to take up the role of Professor of Architecture (Māori) at the University of Auckland, bringing with him his skills and vision. Now he's turning his attention to Māori and indigenous architectural projects and finding practical, affordable and sustainable housing solutions.
10:35 Book review: The Anomaly by Hervé le Tellier
Photo: Penguin Random House
Quentin Johnson reviews The Anomaly by Hervé le Tellier, published by Penguin Random House
10:45 The Reading
Helen Jones reads the third in a four part story series . . .'Milk' by Susy Pointon.
11:05 New technology with Paul Matthews - protecting your passwords
Photo: 123RF
Paul Matthews, chief executive of CIO Studio, looks at stolen passwords, with AA Travel the latest victim of a huge hack. So why does this keep happening and how can we protect ourselves?. It's Budget 2022 day today, however a key announcement for the tech sector was released ahead of time - with both good and bad news. And it's TechWeek with hundreds of events happening across the country
11:25 Highly sensitive children, part 2
Clinical Psychologist Jacqui Maguire returns to talk more about how to help highly sensitive children manage their emotions. These might be children who have large empathy for others, who are deeply reflective, or can be easily overstimulated or overwhelmed. Jacqui says highly sensitive children make up 20 per cent of all children. She'll answer listeners questions. Text 2010 or email by 11am.
11:45 TV Review with Laumata Lauano
Photo: English: New York Sunday News [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Laumata Lauano talks to Kathryn about what she's been viewing, including Naomi on Neon, The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe Doco on Netflix and the second season of Girls5Eva on TVNZ