09:05 GPS cry for help over mass transition to virtual consulting

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Photo: https://www.telehealth.org.nz/

GPs are calling for urgent financial assistance as they make the quantum shift to virtual consulting due to Covid-19. They warn already doctors are subsidising their practices and some may be forced to close if nothing is done. The massive shift in how GPs deliver their services has seen co-payments from patients plummet, and that reduced cash flow has led some practices to run at a massive loss. The General Practice Leaders' Forum, met with the Ministry of Health at the weekend. An announcement on support is expected shortly. What will it look like? Will it be enough? Kathryn is joined by Dr Bryan Betty, medical director of the Royal New Zealand College of GPs, Dr Ruth Large, Chair New Zealand Telehealth Leadership Group and Dr Fiona Bolden, chair of the Rural General Practice Network.

09:20 Childcare for essential workers - who and how?

A photo of a mother and son lying on the floor playing a game

Photo: oksun70/123RF

How are essential workers managing childcare during the lockdown if they don't have family members who can help?
The government is funding home-based childcare for this group via three agencies - Porse, Barnados and Home Grown Kids. These agencies are matching nannies and caregivers who are out of work, with families who need them. How is it working? What checks are in place? And how do families in need access help? Kathryn talks with Jo Lambert, General Manager Barnardos Early Learning and the Managing Director of Porse, Rrahul Dhosshi.

09:35 Foster carers under pressure

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Photo: Caring Families NZ

Foster care families around the country are under pressure during the lockdown due, with children with developmental trauma, financial worries, pressure from birth families for access and no or limited respite.  Caring Families New Zealand, formerly known as Fostering Kids NZ, has over five and a half thousand active members caring for children around the country. Chief Executive Linda Surtees says the organisation is upping its support for caregivers to make sure that do not feel alone

09:45 USA correspondent - Covid 19 takes hold 

Ron Elving talks to Kathryn about President Trump's response to the Covid-19 virus ravaging New York and its devastating swathe through other states. Ron also observes that Donald Trump's crisis briefings are turning into campaign events.

Donald Trump Covid-19 coronavirus with Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, Vice President Mike Pence, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Robert Redfield at the White House, Feb 29, 2020.

Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images / AFP

Ron Elving is Senior Editor and Correspondent on the Washington Desk for NPR News.

10:05  Bees, poo and parasites 

Atlanta Colley

Atlanta Colley Photo: Dom Krapski

Welcome to the weird and wonderful comedy of Melbourne's Atlanta Colley, public health nerd, science communicator, and keeper of bees. Her comedy is always crammed packed with fun facts and cool science. She talks to Kathryn Ryan about her favourite topics: bees, poo and parasites. Not for the faint of heart!

10:35 Book review - The Watermill by Arnold Zable

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Photo: Text Publishing

Quentin Johnson reviews The Watermill by Arnold Zable, Text Publishing.

10:45 The Reading

Goneville, episode 2. Written and read by Nick Bollinger.

11:05 What sectors of the economy are resilient? 

Business commentator Rebecca Stevenson talks to Kathryn about New Zealand's supermarket duopoly, now that food and supply shopping is top of everyone's mind during the level 4 alert lockdown. Also a look at the more resilient sectors of the economy.

Queues at Mt Wellington supermarkets after it was announced the country is moving into alert level 3 and then 4 in the next few days.

Photo: RNZ / Cole Eastham-Farrelly

Rebecca Stevenson is Stuff's national business editor.

11:30 EVs: breaking the sound barrier

Volvo XC40 Recharge P8 AWD in Glacier Silver,

Photo: Supplied

Recent European legislation requires new electric-powered vehicles to make some sort of noise while driving at city speeds, and from mid next year new EVs will be required to have an Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS).  As a result, some car designers are turning to nature for sonic inspiration to create warning sounds for pedestrians and cyclists, also for drivers getting used to having a silent car. Research shows near-silent EVs are up to twice as likely to be involved in a collision, mainly because pedestrians can't hear them coming. Volvo NZ general manager Coby Duggan speaks with Kathryn Ryan.

11:45 First Radio Sport  - which media outlet could be next?

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Photo: 123RF/Radio Sport

Media commentator Andrew Holden looks at what a drop in advertising revenue due to Covid-19 means for commercial media outlets and their future viability. With weekly magazines and community newspapers on publishing hold during the lockdown, what might they do instead. Andrew will also talk to Kathryn about how the media are getting inventive during a time of crisis.

Andrew Holden is a journalist for more than 30 years including five as Editor of The Press (in Christchurch) and four as Editor-in-Chief of The Age in Melbourne.