Nine To Noon for Thursday 25 October 2018
09:05 Algorithm stocktake: "need to take care in their use"
Photo: Supplied
The first ever stocktake into government agencies' use of algorithms and predictive modelling to deliver their services to citizens' says it must be done with caution. The Government Chief Data Steward Liz MacPherson, along with the Government Chief Digital Officer has looked at how fourteen government agencies use algorithms. The Algorithm Assessment Report includes case studies highlighting how algorithms are already "enabling innovative solutions to complex problems". But while it says predicitve modelling is helping government deliver better policies and services, it says they present "fresh challenges", and recommends maintaining human oversight, regularly reviewing algorithms that inform significant decisions, and monitoring for adverse effects.
09:20 Going "flexitarian" could help save the planet
Photo: 123rf
Researchers have found a global shift to a more plant-based diet is essential to keep climate change in check and feed a growing planet. This flexitarian diet means the average world citizen needs to eat 75% less beef, 90% less pork and half the number of eggs, while tripling the consumption of beans and pulses and quadrupling the amount of nuts and seeds we eat. They also call for food waste to be halved, as well as dramatically improved farming practices and technologies. Their research published in Nature, was the first to quantify how food production and consumption affects the planet's finite resources. Dr Marco Springmann is a Senior Researcher on Environmental Sustainability and Public Health at the University of Oxford.
09:45 Is Brexit becoming a taboo?
UK correspondent, Kate Adie says as Brexit drags on and on, the subject is almost taboo in some areas. There are also dire predictions in the media about what is going to happen and even criticism from the usually pro-Brexit Daily Mail. Meanwhile, away from Brexit, a locust has been discovered in Devon!
10:05 Tini Molyneux: Leading from the front
Maori broadcaster, Tini Molyneux Photo: TVNZ
Tini Molyneux (Ngai Tūhoe) was the face of Māori broadcasting for decades as a presenter on Te Karere, Marae and as One News Māori Affairs correspondent. She got her first job in TV after an editor overheard her speaking Te Reo and more than three decades later she is still working producing programmes and mentoring young reporters. Tini will be the recipient of the Television Legend Award at next month's NZ Television Awards. She joins Kathryn to talk about her long career, the stories that have had the biggest impact on her and what the future holds for Māori broadcasting.
10:35 Book review - The Year of the Farmer by Rosalie Ham
Bronwyn Wylie-Gibb from University Book Shop, Otago reviews The Year of the Farmer by Rosalie Ham, which is published by Picador.
10:45 The Reading
Part 3 of The New Ships by Kate Duignan read by Nick Blake
11:05 Paul Allen & Quantum Computing
Photo: 123rf
Tech commentator Mark Pesce looks back on them impact the late Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen had on modern computing and why so little is known about him. Mark also looks at quantum computing and how it has been proven in theory to be better than classical computing.
Mark Pesce is a futurist, writer, educator and broadcaster.
11:25 Building blocks to reading and writing
Educationalist, Frances Adlam with tips for parents on how to help their children love reading and writing. Her book Raise Your Child to Read and Write - aims to give caregivers strategies to engage pre-schoolers and primary school entrants to get a good start to a lifetime of reading. Simple things help, including thinking about how your talk to children and encouraging them to scribble, draw and paint, these are all building blocks which lead to writing.
Photo: RNZ / John Gerritsen
11:45 A Million Little Things & NZ On Screen turns 10
TV reviewer Paul Casserly has been watching the new glossy American drama, A Million Little Things. He's also got his picks for what to watch on NZ on Screen on its 10th Anniversary.
Music played in this show
Artist: Seth Haapu
Track: Ngaru Hou
Time played: 10.44
Artist: Kimbra
Track: Lightyears
Time played: 11.22