09:05 Health benefits of insulation 'massive'

The benefit to cost ratio of  insulating New Zealand's cold, unhealthy housing stock has been put at a startling  6 to 1 for the nation's most vulnerable. So if the evidence for insulating sick homes is stark - why won't the government continue its healthy homes programme ? Kathryn Ryan talks to Motu Economic 's Arthur Grimes & Public Health Professor Philippa Howden-Chapman from Otago University's Wellington School of Medicine and Programme Director of He Kainga Oranga/Housing and Health Research Programme. 

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Photo: 123RF

09:20 Watchdog cracks down on house flipping 

The Real Estate Agents Authority says it intends to become much more proactive in scrutinising house-flipping. A number of cases have hit the headlines in the last two years - particularly in Auckland - of houses being sold again, sometimes on the same day - for tens of thousands of dollars more than the original sale price. The Real Estate Agents Authority has recently conducted a review of 300 cases in Auckland in which houses were bought and resold within 12-months. Kathryn Ryan speaks to its Chief Executive, Kevin Lampen-Smith.

09:45 Pacific correspondent Mike Field

A dirty ship looking for a South Pacific port, what’s killing Rarotonga’s dogs, Tokelau fears New Zealand’s colonial hand over and kava prices rocketing.

A screenshot from the 1984 game Elite

10:05 The 22 Kilobyte Galaxy

Kathryn Ryan talks to David Braben, who in 1984 created a model of the Milky Way, complete with stars and planets, for a groundbreaking computer game called Elite.

The latest version of his game, Elite Dangerous, has a model of the galaxy so sophisticated that it's actually predicted some major real world astronomic discoveries such as the seven planets of TRAPPIST-1 and the surface details of Pluto. David is also one of the founders of Raspberry Pi, a charity which creates super cheap computers used to explore the fundamentals of computer science.


10:35 Unity Books review with Marcus Greville 

10:45 The Reading

11:05 Music review with Grant Smithies

Grant Smithies loses what’s left of his mind over an early album by reclusive Canadian singer Mary Margaret O’Hara, then checks out two tracks from mysterious Waikato reggae label, Red Robin.

11:30 Sports commentator Brendan Telfer

11:45 The week that was with Te Radar and Michele A'Court