09:05 Government move to stop the sales of all legal highs

Dr. Leo Schep is from the National Poisons Centre.

09:20 Chris Jackson, Former All White on his battles with depression

Chris Jackson, former All White captain who has been part of a global survey of professional footballers, done by FifPro, the world players' union. The survery has revealed high rates of anxiety and depression among current and retired players.          

09:45 Europe correspondent Seamus Kearney

10:05 Feature: Robert Ewers, Kiwi scientist on world leading conservation project

The New Zealand scientist leading one of the world's largest ecological experiments – using the planned conversion of rainforest to oil palm, in Borneo, to design an experimental landscape – yielding information crucial to future conservation efforts.

10:30 Book review: Rough Ride to the Future by James Lovelock

Reviewed by Phil Smith. Published by Allen Lane

10:45 The Reading: The Elusive Language of Ducks, by Judith White

A quirky and heart-warming story of human relationships – and a duck. (Part 1 of 10).

11:05 Politics from the left and right

Mike Williams and Trish Sherson, a former journalist, former press secretary for the ACT party and now runs a PR company.

11:30 Food - Fiona Gower - Jellies and Chutneys

Fiona GowerFiona Gower from Rural Women NZ is along with recipes for three preserves.

Red onion chutney
Mint jelly
Feijoa jelly

The recipes are from the book A Good Harvest - Recipes from the Gardens of Rural Women New Zealand. Published by Random House,

11:45 Off the Beaten Track with Kennedy Warne

Out and about in rural Wisconsin.

Gallery: Rural Wisconsin

Off the beaten track old barn
Old barn and grain silo, Wisconsin