09:05 Warning over small telcos

David Williams, a small business owner whose phone was cut off after dispute with Black and White; and David Russell, the chair of the Telecommunication Dispute Resolution which deals with complaints from consumers about services provided by their telecommunications company.

09:30 The Age of Renewables?

A new report by the global investment banking giant, Citi, says the world is entering the age of renewable energy, with solar and wind power  leading the way. 

Michael Eckhart is a Managing Director and Global Head of Environmental Finance and Sustainability at Citigroup. He is currently in New Zealand to deliver a keynote speech at the Wind Energy Conference 

09:45 Europe correspondent Carsten von Nahmen of Deutsche Welle in Germany

10:05 Feature: The untold story of the "black diggers"

One hundred years on from the beginning of World War One, Australian playwright and director, Wesley Enoch talks to us about uncovering the untold story of the aboriginal soldiers of World War One, known as the Black Diggers.

His play Black Diggers is being performed at the Brisbane Arts Festival.

10:30 Book review: Ko Te Whenua Te Utu / The Land is the Price by M P K (Keith) Sorrenson

Reviewed by Paul Diamond, published by Auckland University Press.

10:45 The Reading: Blindsight by Maurice Gee

A satirical take on contemporary New Zealand society and politics. About love and relationships, power and the past, it's loaded too with spin; political, social, and literary. (Part 11 of 12)

11:05 Political commentators Matthew Hooton and Mike Williams

11:30 Easter baking: Hot Cross Buns

Bryan Hodges owns and runs the Oven Fresh Bakery in Gore.

11:45 Urbanist Tommy Honey

Public transport and home affordability.

Busable Auckland, Stats Chat
Busable Wellington, Stats Chat
Affordability in New Zealand
Affordability on Auckland
Affordability on Wellington