09:05 Long-term welfare dependency

Salvation Army social policy analyst Alan Johnson; Susan St John, Auckland University Associate Professor, who is also the Child Poverty Action Group economics spokesperson; and Paula Bennett, Social Development Minister.

09:30 Impact of changes to the Family Court

John Caldwell, Canterbury University Associate Professor who specialises in family law.

09:45 Europe correspondent Seamus Kearney

10:05 Ben Bohane - Photojournalist

Ben Bohane is an Australian photojournalist, author and television producer who has specialised in reporting religion and conflict in Asia Pacific since 1989.

He has perhaps the largest contemporary photo archive of the South Pacific in the world. His photographs are collected by the New York Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art and the Australian War Memorial.

He currently has an exhibition at Pataka museum in Porirua - The Black Islands: Spirit and War in Melanesia - it demonstrates his commitment to illuminating the struggles and spirit worlds behind news from Melanesia.

10:35 Book Review with Gyles Beckford

Fish Like a Drink: Joe Bennett writes again by Joe Bennett
Published by HarperCollins,

10:45 The Reading: Kathleen's Antarctica (Part 1 of 2)

A glimpse into the relationship between explorer Robert Falcon Scott and his wife Kathleen Bruce, sculptor and late night tango dancer... seen through their letters and journals of the time.

11:05 Political commentators Matthew Hooton and Mike Williams

Waitangi Day, and more about the Novopay debacle affecting teachers pay throughout the country.

11:30 Guest chef Lauraine Jacobs and wine commentator John Hawkesby

Classic French-style vinaigrette
Orange and honey vinaigrette
Teriyaki marinade
Chimichurri marinade
Flavours of Asia dressing
Yogurt and saffron marinade

11:50 Urbanist Tommy Honey

Is irony dead?

How to Live Without Irony (New York Times)
Irony's Not Dead, Long Live Irony (The Atlantic Wire)