Nine To Noon for Thursday 15 March 2012
09:05 Breast screening problems in Otago and Southland
Dr Don Mackie, Ministry of Health's chief medical officer; Libby Burgess, chair person of the Breast Cancer Aotearoa Coalition.
09:30 Dunedin City Council agrees to bail out the Otago Rugby Union, whose board is forced to step down
Lee Vandervis, Dunedin City Councillor opposed to the bail out of Otago Rugby.
09:45 UK correspondent Jon Dennis
10:05 Feature guest Judge Peggy Hora
Judge Peggy Hora (now retired) was a judge for 21 years in the California Superior Court, and founding member of the drug treatment court system.
10:35 Book review with Rae McGregor
The Winter Palace by Eva Stachniak
Published by Doubleday
10:45 Reading: Gifted by Patrick Evans, told by Stuart Devenie
Patrick Evans' fictional tale of the relationship between writers Frank Sargeson and Janet Frame, the young woman who in the mid-1950s arrived to stay in the old army hut beside his Takapuna house and wrote her first full-length novel there.
Audio will be available here after broadcast.
11:05 New technology with Donald Clark
Donald Clark discusses the Nokia/Microsoft Lumia 800 and whether it will be the iPhone killer; domain names .nz vs .kiwi vs .whateveryouwant; and the LulzSec leader who ratted on Anonymous.
11:20 Clinical Psychologist and parenting expert Nigel Latta
Introducing new partners to children.
11:45 Media commentator Gavin Ellis
Changes to some regional daily newspapers - and the new Sky, TVNZ platform, Igloo.