Nine To Noon for Monday 13 February 2012
09:05 Huge protests in Athens as the Greek parliament prepares to pass new austerity measures needed to avoid bankruptcy
Yannis Zabetakis, science professor in Athens who has been protesting against the austerity measures that Greece needs secure an EU/IMF bailout and avoid default; Kevin Featherstone, who has been at the London School of Economics since 2002, when he took up the position of Eleftherios Venizelos professor of contemporary Greek studies. He is also director of the Hellenic Observatory in the European Institute.
Fires burning in Athens. Lykabettus hill can be seen on the left, which is in the centre of the city.
09:25 Doctors call on the Auckland Council to restrict takeaway outlets in poor areas
Dr Brad Novak, Auckland Regional Public Health Service; and Arthur Anae, Auckland councillor.
09:45 Europe correspondent Seamus Kearney reports on the hundreds dying in freezing conditions
10:05 Mike May - blind skiier, adventurer and businessman
American businessman and blind adventurer Mike May on regaining partial sight thanks to pioneering stem cell surgery and his use of technology to help those with disaibilities.
Mike May is a keynote speaker at the International Mobility Conference hosted by Massey University (Palmerston North) next week. It's the big conference for experts in blind rehabilitation and the first time this conference has been held in New Zealand.
During the conference, Mike will be demonstrating his use of GPS technology for the blind by running geocaching 'treasure hunts'.
10:35 Book Review with Siobhan Harvey
The Conflict: Woman and Mother by Elisabeth Badinter
Published by Text Publishing
10:45 Reading. Gravy by Elisabeth Smither (Part 1 of 2, RNZ)
Pauline delivers a jug of gravy to her newly wed daughter so her egotistical husband can enjoy his dinner.
Audio will be available here after broadcast.
11:05 Politics with Josie Pagani and Matthew Hooton
The Winston Peters and David Shearer dynamic; John Key's popularity levels; and whether Labour is after the Green vote.
11:30 Guest chef Andrew Fearnside discusses bread making and baking
Breads and baking that people can make at home, but with some tips and tricks to make it more special.
Recipes for: Focaccia, Chocolate Brownie and Doughnuts.
11:45 Urbanist Tommy Honey: Housing innovation – new models of designing and ownership
Designing a Fix for Housing, New York Times
Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream, Museum of Modern Art
Look Out Below (Canada’s Housing Bubble), The Economist
Is laneway housing an affordable housing solution? Vancouver Sun
Granny Flat Guidelines, NZ Herald
Family flats, Elderly Persons Housing And Alternative Housing, Chch City Council