09:05 The Waitemata DHB's controversial new model of care

Lester Levy, chair of the Waitemata DHB; and Ian Powell, executive director of the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists.

One of the country's largest district health boards has come under fire for its controversial new model of care. After paying some surgeons up to $10,000 a day to work at its Waitakere hospital, the DHB is now building a new $39 million elective surgical centre. It's appointed a separate board of governors for the facility, for which the health board is refusing to rule out private-sector involvement.

09:25 Family court review

Jill Goldson, Family Court counsellor.

Family Court Review Public Consultation Paper

Submissions can be emailed to:  familycourtreview@justice.govt.nz

Relationship Services is also running a survey on its website www.relate.org.nz  to help inform its submission to Government about Family Court counselling.

09:45 US correspondent Jack Hitt

Republican presidential candidate front-runner Mitt Romney's new theory of immigration: self-deportation and a week of insane misstatements from candidates.

10:05 Dave Ainley - marine bird scientist

US marine bird scientist leading an international campaign to protect the Ross Sea from all fishing.

Penguin Science

The Last Ocean

10:30 Book Review with Graham Beattie

In the Absence of Heroes by Anthony McCarten
Published by Random House NZ Vintage

10:45 Reading: Scrambled Eggs by Adrienne Frater

Dee's daughter Gemma finally finds out who her father is.

Audio will be available here after broadcast.

11:05 Politics with Matthew Hooton and Mike Williams

The Treaty clause in the SOE Act; the Maori Party threat to leave the coalition;  Waitangi; and the new Government's first couple of months.

11:30 Guest chef Martin Bosley

Stir-Fried Fish with Soy Braised Tofu
Stir-Fried Fish with Beans and Mushrooms

11:45 Film review with Graeme Tuckett

J. Edgar, Chronicle and Julia's Eyes.