09:05 The controversial plans for a mine on Conservation land at Denniston near Westport

Nicola Vallance, Forest and Bird Conservation Advocate; and Patrick McManus, Buller District Mayor.

09:25 Will NZ be poised to trade off technology for agriculture to secure the trans Pacific Partnership deal?

Vikram Kumar,  Chief Executive of Internet NZ; and Garth Wyllie, advocacy fellow and secretary of the EMA's international trade committee.

09:45 UK correspondent Matthew Parris

10:05 Jack C Richards - world renowned applied linguist and educator, who's also a big supporter of music and art

Kiwi-born internationally recognised applied linguist and educator. He is a specialist in teaching English as a second language, and made his fortune writing professional books for teachers and text books for students.

10:35 Book review with Nat Torkington

Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography by Walter Isaacson
Published by Little, Brown

10:45 Reading: Treading Water by Robert Hewitt  with Aaron Smale (Part 7 of 7)

Continuing Rob's story of surviving 75 hours floating alone at sea in the waters around Kapiti Island.

Audio will be available here after broadcast.

11:05 New technology with Steve McCabe         

Steve discusses tracking shoppers by cellphone, shopping by cellphone, and why Netflix won't be coming to NZ any time soon.

11:30 Anger management

Tricia Hendry is from Skylight, which helps young people and their families through the toughest times, such as family breakups and bereavements. Anny da Silva Freitas is a counsellor and youth worker who channeled her own anger issues into becoming a star rugby player.

Skylight has launched the Anger Toolbox to help people find ways to express and manage anger, aggression and other difficult emotions, and channel them into something positive.

Email: support@skylight-trust.org.nz
Ph: 0800 299 100

11:45 TV reviewer Simon Wilson

Election coverage and TV3's documentary on child poverty.