Nine To Noon for Thursday 1 September 2011
09:05 PSA in kiwifruit reaches crisis level
John Burke, general manager of Kiwifruit Vine Health Incorporated, the industry body established to tackle PSA; and Michael Franks, chief executive of New Zealand's largest kiwifruit grower, Seeka.
09:25 Riots and the pyschology of crowd behaviour
Dr Stott from the University of Liverpool has studied crowd psychology for more than 30 years and has advised the UK police on how to control football hooligans, as well as making recommendations in wake of G-20 London summit riots in 2009.
09:45 UK correspondent Kate Adie
10:05 The grand dame of Australian publishing, Ita Buttrose
Ita Buttrose was the founding editor of Cleo Magazine, which shocked many in the early '70s with its frank articles about sex. She talks about her long career working to represent women in what was a male dominated world.
10:35 Book Review with David Hill
Luther: The Calling by Neil Cross
Published by Simon & Schuster
10:45 Reading: Tremble: Tears and Hugs, by Shirley Eng
Noel Baxter is a teacher on lunch duty when the earthquake strikes. He assists caring for the students till the last of them are picked up. It’s when he gets home that the reality of the situation hits home.
11:05 New Technology with Steve McCabe
Individual solar generation in NZ, the patent war between Apple and Samsung, and why Web surfing makes you work better.
11:20 Parenting with Nigel Latta
Tips for separated parents.
11:45 Film reviews with Graeme Tuckett
The Tree of Life, Crazy Stupid Love and TT3D.