09:05 Menace of date rape drugs may be overstated

Associate Professor David Wells, Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne. He has researched the incidence of "drug facilitated sexual assault" or date rape; and Dr Cathy Stephenson, Wellington GP and Doctor for Sexual Abuse Care (DASC).

09:25 NZ Post survey criticised for breaching privacy

Professor Paul Roth at Otago University who teaches privacy, information and data protection law and co-wrote reports into the incident for the Privacy Commissioner. The personal data NZ Post collected in a big 2009 public survey that was subsequently on-sold to marketing companies has been slammed as a breach of privacy principles; Marie Shroff; Privacy Commissioner; and John Tulloch, NZ Post Communications Manager.

09:45 Europe/Russia correspondent Carsten von Nahmen

The 2012 Russian presidential election, and bail-out fatigue in Europe.

10:05 David Raubenheimer - research on human obesity epidemic

Massey University Nutritional ecologist David Raubenheimer talks about his adventure-filled field trips to study the eating habits of animals, and what this can tell us about the human obesity epidemic. He's got up close with Ugandan mountain gorillas, tracked the rare snow leopard in the remote upper Himalayas, and swum with great white sharks.

10:30 Book Review with Don Rood

Lost in Shangri-la by Mitchell Zuckoff
Published by Fourth Estate

10:45 Reading: Dead People's Music by Sarah Laing

The lives of two talented cellists, Klara from 1930s New York, and Rebecca her New Zealand born granddaughter, entwine and enthral.

Listen again to this reading.

11:30 Guest chef Domenica Houlihan and wine commentator John Hawkesby

11:45 Off the Beaten Track with Kennedy Warne - Live from London

See photographs of Valencia in the Kennedy Warne gallery.

Oliva town.