Nine To Noon for Wednesday 13 April 2011
09:05 Auckland barrister Grant Illingworth
Radical changes to the legal aid system are about to be unveiled - but could they lead to people being denied justice because they won't be eligible for assistance but can't afford a lawyer?
09:20 Recruiting the new head of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority
Iain Rennie, State Services Commissioner
09:35 Is there such thing as the male menopause?
Professor Frederick Wu's research looks at the effect of deficiencies of the predominately male hormone testosterone. In 2010 this research postulated that there indeed was such a phenomenon as the 'male menopause'. His research is also looking at longer-acting hormone combinations and their roles as male contraceptives.
09:45 Australia correspondent Ray Moynihan
10:05 Heni Collins
Heni Collins is a journalist, researcher and community worker who has written a book about her ancestor, the Māori chief Te Rauparaha.
Ka Mate Ka Ora!: The Spirit of Te Rauparaha, published by Steele Roberts & Associates
10:30 Book Review with Maraea Rakuraku
The Book of Rachael by Leslie Cannold
Published by Text Publishing
10:45 Reading: Under the Huang Jiao Tree by Jane Carswell (Part 6 of 12)
A New Zealander's mid-life experience teaching English in Chongqing China.
11:05 Music with Marty Duda
Marty profiles The Meters, who were the house band for most of the hit records recorded in New Orleans during the 1960s and '70s.
Marty's website for interviews and reviews:
11:30 The law society is calling for a national debate on the criminal justice system
President of the Law Society, Jonathan Temm, look at calls by the law society for a national debate on the criminal justice system.
11:45 Arts commentator Courtney Johnston
A visiting documentary, The Art of the Steal, in the World Cinema Showcase; the NZ artist Michael Stevenson gets a major survey show at Australia's leading contemporary art gallery; and the detainment of artist and political activist Ai Weiwei by the Chinese government.
Art documentaries:
The Art of the Steal schedule - World Cinema Showcase
The Art of the Steal trailer - IFC Films
Review of The Art of the Steal - New York Times
Herb and Dorothy website
The Vogel 50x50 art website
Ai Weiwei
Ai Weiwei petition
International museums call for Ai Weiwei's release -
Ai Weiwei's path from cultural prankster to enemy of the state - Recent TED talk by Ai Weiwei - CNN website