Nine To Noon for Thursday 3 February 2011
09:05 Cyclone Yasi
Geoff Mackley, NZ cameramn who's in Mission beach in Queensland; Ailsa Croatto, Innisfail resident; Desley Boyle, Queensland State member of parliament for Cairns; and Billy Lynch, meteorologist for the Brisbane Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre.
09:35 Scientific study on social gaffes - and who is best at detecting them
In an experiment just published in the US journal Psychology and Aging, Otago researchers compared the ability of older and younger adults to distinguish socially appropriate from inappropriate behaviour depicted in the television show The Office.
Associate Professor Ted Ruffman from Otago's Department of Psychology discusses the findings.
10:05 Daniel Lubetzky - US Social Entrepreneur
Social entrepeneur Daniel Lubetzky has been named a "Global leader for Tomorrow" by the World Economic Forum; he talks about his goal to bring peace to the middle east through business cooperation.
10:30 Book Review with Rae McGregor
Mozambique Mysteries by Lisa St Aubin de Teran
Published by Virago
10:45 Reading:Into the Wider World, by Brian Turner
Brian Turner, the quintessential Central Otago man - celebrated poet, social commentator, wilderness wanderer and fly fisher - reads selections from his book. (Part 9 of 10)
Listen to extended episodes of Into the Wider World.
11:05 Technology with Nat Torkington
Many commentators are talking about a decline in the quality of Google's search results. It's pretty important given we all use Google.
The BBC Domesday Project is a canary in the coalmine about the longevity of digital media, whose lifetime isn't long according to The US National Archives (cf the original Domesday Book).
NZ's National Digital Heritage Archive.
11:20 Dame Alison Holst - Home Science celebrates 100 years in New Zealand
Best-selling food writer (she has published nearly 100 cookbooks as well as writing newspaper and magazine articles) and television chef. Dame Alison Holst is a keynote speaker at an Otago University conference on 100 years of Home Science (Feb 6 - 9, hosted by the Dept of Consumer and Applied Sciences) - Is home science a lost art? And why are home science skills still important to society?
11:45 TV Reviewer Simon Wilson
Breakfast and Boardwalk Empire - now screening free to air on Prime.