09:05 No rescue attempt yet at Pike River mine

Tony Kokshoorn, Grey District Mayor; Nancye Langley, mother of Rachelle Weaver, whose partner Josh Ufer is one of the miners. Rachelle is three months pregnant.

09:05 No rescue attempt yet at Pike River mine

Dennis O'Dell, administrator of occupational health and safety for the United Mine Workers of America. He is involved in the investigation into the Upper Big Branch coal mine explosion in West Virginia in April this year. The methane and coal dust explosion killed 29 men.

09:25 Social service funding

More than 800 non-Governmental organisations are funded by the state to provide social services, such as programmes for at-risk youth and family violence prevention. A similar number provide health services. The sectors believe Finance Minister Bill English is considering cutting out the sectors' annual inflation adjustment from next year's budget, stripping about $10 million.

Trevor McLinchey, executive officer of the Council of Christian Social Services. Marion Blake, chief executive of Platform, an umbrella group representing 80 NGOs providing mental health and addiction services.

09:45 US correspondent Jack Hitt

10:05 Live feed of Pike River coal mine press conference with Superintendent Gary Knowles and Peter Whittall

10:25 Gillian Helfgott, wife of pianist David Helfgott

10:25 Book Review with Quentin Johnson

The Torchlight List: Around the World in 200 Books by Jim Flynn
Published by Awa Press

10:45 Reading: Mon Desir by Paula Morris

Summer at Takapuna Beach in the 1970s arouses different desires in three generations of women. (Part 2 of 2)

11:05 Business and economic commentator Fran O'Sullivan

Pike River Coal Ltd, New Zealand's only listed coal mining company, which has hit the headlines as 29 miners are missing in its Pike River mine.

11:20 Hollywood with Nelson Aspen

11:45 Media commentator Denis Welch