Nine To Noon for Friday 15 October 2010
09:05 The impact of weak economic growth
The Government's much-trumpeted income tax cuts have finally started making their way into workers' wallets. But since those cuts were unveiled in the May budget, economic growth has stalled and consumers are keeping a tight rein on their spending. Economic growth forecasts are being revised down and there's even talk about the possibility of a "double-dip" recession here. Bill English, Minister of Finance.
09:20 Opposition inquiry into the aged care sector
An investigation by the Labour and Green parties conducted in conjunction with Grey Power has found many elderly people are receiving substandard care, with staffing shortages and ineffective auditing of facilities.
It says a shortage of skilled staff is the main reason behind many of the shocking stories of neglect and abuse and they're calling for the appointment of an Aged Care Commissioner to address the problems.
Martin Taylor, Aged Care Association Chief Executive; Rob Haultain, NZ Nurses Organisation industrial advisor; and Ruth Dyson, Labour's health spokesperson and former Minister for Senior Citizens.
09:45 Asia correspondent Phil O'Sullivan
10:05 Gwen Bailey - Hell on 4 Paws
Gwen Bailey, Britain's leading dog behaviourist who has helped millions of owners transform their naughty dogs into obedient pets. In her new book, Hell on 4 Paws: How Britain's Leading Pet Behaviouist Met Her Match, she tells the story of how her life was turned upside down when she had to take on her new husband's extremely naughty dog Chesil - the most badly behaved dog she had ever encountered.
10:30 Children's Book Review with John McIntyre
The Shadow of the Boyd by Diana Menefy
Published by Harper Collins
ISBN 978-1-86950-860-9
The Blue-Eyed Aborigine by Rosemary Hayes
Published by Frances Lincoln
ISBN 978-1-84780-078-7
10:45 Reading: Slide Show, written by Carl Nixon read by Simon O'Connor
A five part story about two boys and the uneasy relationship that develops between them and Mister McClean who lives next door. (Part 5 of 5)
11:05 New Music with Sean McKenna
Artist: Eva Prowse
Album: I Can't Keep Secrets
Song: Youngest Child
Free download: Youngest Child
Video: Performing with Fly My Pretties
Artist: Dear Time's Waste
Album: Spells
Song: Blue and Gold
Video: Blue and Gold
Artist: Jessie James and the Outlaws
Album: The Price of Gum
Song: Angila
Video: Angila
11:30 Sports commentator Joseph Romanos
Wraps up the 2010 Delhi Commonwealth Games.
11:45 Week That Was with Radar and Elisabeth Easther