Nine To Noon for Monday 9 August 2010
09:05 A prestigious medical journal is questioning the right of women to choose to have home births
Amanda Elliot, who lost her first child during a home birth seven years ago; Professor Cindy Farquhar, postgraduate professor of obstetrics and gynaecology in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology at the University of Auckland; and Jeanette Lazet, Trusteee on the board of Home Birth Aotearoa.
09:45 Africa correspondent Peter Greste
10:05 Lars Tharp - porcelain expert from Antiques Roadshow
Lars Tharp, historian, archaeologist, auctioneer, and porcelain expert - he discusses the role objects play in our understanding of history, place, custom and culture.
10:30 Book Review with Kate Blackhurst
Ghost Light by Joseph O'Connor
Published by Harvill Secker
10:45 Reading:Malcolm and Juliet by Bernard Beckett
16-year-old Malcolm is making a documentary on sex to win first prize at the National Secondary School's Science Fair (Part 6 of 15)
11:05 Political commentators Andrew Campbell and Matthew Hooton
How much of a dead cert is next year's election for National?
11:30 Guest Chef Lauraine Jacobs and wine commentator John Hawkesby
Cabbage with coriander and coconut
Parsnip and carrot mash
The New Zealand Vegetable Cook Book co-authored with Ginny Grant and Kathy Paterson
11:45 Off the Beaten Track with Kennedy Warne
The outdoorsman and adventurer takes us on a journey along the coastal part of State Highway 1, as you drive from Blenheim south to Kaikoura.