09:05 Canterbury school refuses to introduce National Standards

Southbridge School in Canterbury (50kms south of Christchurch) defies the Minister of Education by refusing to introduce National Standards

Peter Verstappen, principal of Southbridge School; and Nikki Wellby, parent of two children at Southbridge School.

09:20 Child slavery in Haiti

Jean-Robert Cadet was a child slave in Haiti. He escaped and now runs a foundation to raise awareness of the plight of children forced to work as domestic slaves.

The Jean R. Cadet Restavek Foundation

09:30 Making science relevant to school students

Paul Lowe, science teacher - head of science at Morrinsville College, Waikato. Paul has been awarded the inaugural Prime Minister's Science Teacher's prize, worth $150,000.

09:45 Australia correspondent Paul Barclay

10:05 Designing Obama

Scott Thomas, design director of the Barack Obama 2008 Presidential Campaign.

Branding, design, and the internet played a pivotal role in helping get Barack Obama elected in the 2008 presidential race.

Scott Thomas launched his book, Designing Obama, funded by contributions to Kickstarter, in September 2009.

10:30 Book Review with Maraea Rakuraku

The Best of Both Worlds: The Story of Eldson Best and Tutakangahau by Jeffrey Paparoa Holman
Published by Penguin

10:45 Reading: Duet by David Hill

A teenage blues guitarist finds himself playing a duet with the gorgeous flutist in the youth orchestra. (Part 8 of 10)

11:05 Music review with Marty Duda

Feature Artist: The Pixies

1. Where Is My Mind? (3:54) - The Pixies taken from 1988 album "Surfer Rosa" (4AD)

2. Here Comes Your Man (3:21) - The Pixies taken from 1989 album "Doolittle" (4AD)

3. Velouria (3:46) - The Pixies taken from 1990 album "Bossanova" (4AD)

4. Been All Around The World (3:25) - The Pixies taken from 2006 DVD "Acoustic: Live At Newport" (Eagle Rock)

11:30 Legal commentator Andrew Scott-Howman discusses employment law and workplace issues

11:45 Film Review with Graeme Tuckett

Graeme reviews Alice in Wonderland, and local documentary The Way Of Life - and rounds up the Oscars.