Nine To Noon for Friday 19 February 2010
09:05 Bill English, Finance Minister
How is the government going implement its proposed tax changes?
09:30 The art of "prepping"
Tom Martin, CEO of the American Preppers Network and Idaho truck driver; and John Milandred, a "prepper" who runs a website called Pioneer
10:05 Values, Justice - What is the right thing to do
Professor Michael Sandel teaches political philosophy at Harvard University and is the author of the new book Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do? Published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. ISBN: 978-0374180652
10:30 Book Review with Louise O'Brien
The Endless Forest by Sarah Donati
Published by Bantam Australia
10:45 Reading: The Year of the Shanghai Shark by Mo Zhi Hong (Part 10 of 10, RNZ)
In the Chinese city of Dalian Hai Long and his mates drink Coca-Cola , eat American fast food and go to English language lessons. But this year Hai Long leaves school to learn the unlikely trade of his uncle - a professional pick-pocket.
11:05 New Music with Sean McKenna
Artist: Blur
Album: No Distance Left to Run DVD &
Blur Live - All The People… Blur Live at Hyde Park 03 July 2009
Song: The Universal
Video:Trailer for 'No Distance Left to Run'
Artist: Laura Veirs
Album: July Flame
Song: July Flame
Video: Life is Good Blues
Free stuff: 2 Free Tracks from 'July Flame'
Artist: Local Natives
Album: Gorilla Manor
Song: Airplanes
Video: Cover of Simon & Garfunkel 'Cecilia' in the courtyard of Gorilla Manor
Artist: Preservation Hall Jazz Band
Album: Preservation: An album benefitting Preservation Hall and the Preservation Hall Music Outreach Program
Song: Pete Seeger & Tao Rodriguez Seeger - Blues Skies
Louis Armstrong - Rockin' Chair
Video: Preservation Hall
11:30 Sport with Joseph Romanos
11:45 Week That Was with Radar and Pinky Agnew