Nine To Noon for Tuesday 9 June 2009
09:05 New mouth swab gene test for lung cancer
Dr Robert Young, Associate Professor at Auckland University. His research has developed a gene-based test to identify smokers and ex-smokers who are at greatest risk of getting lung cancer.
The new test is tradenamed Respiragene. It was developed by Synergenz Bioscience, a company spun off from Auckland University. It will be processed by another university spin-off DNA Diagnostics.
Smoking kills about four and a half thousand people each year in New Zealand. Lung cancer is the most lethal of common cancers, with 80 percent of people dying within two years of diagnosis.
09:20 Immunisation errors
We speak to a mother whose baby was given double dose of immunisation component.
09:25 Immunisation Advisory Centre on Babies Immunisation
Dr Nikki Turner, director, National Immunisation Advisory Centre.
09:30 Filament Magazine - a new erotic magazine for intelligent women
Suraya Singh, editor of Filament Magazine.
See images in the Nine to Noon Gallery.
09:45 US correspondent Jack Hitt
10:05 Cognitive science
Professor Margaret Boden, a polymath who combines research in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Psychology, Philosophy, Cognitive and Computer Science. Currently Research Professor of Cognitive Science at the Department of Informatics at the University of Sussex, Dr. Boden was the founding-Dean of the university's School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences (COGS), precursor of the university's current Department of Informatics.
10:30 Book Review with John King
The Scarecrow by Michael Connelly
Published by Allen & Unwin
ISBN 9781741756784
10:45 Reading. Head In The Clouds - A Hartley Manners Story by Matthew O'Sullivan
(Part 2 of 5)
11:05 Business with Rod Oram, Business and Economic commentator
11:30 First Catch Your Weka
Montana book award finalist David Veart looks back on the recipes that helped shape our nation - including how to cook a Weka.
11:45 Media commentator Denis Welch
Weekly look at media issues.