09:05 North Shore Hospital - critical report released by Health and Disability Commissioner

Arie Grootegoed's partner of 19 years died at North Shore hospital after being admitted to the Emergency Department with gastric bleeding, where she spent 36 hours; Geoff Annals, chief executive of the Nurses Organisation.

09:30 Great NZ Songbook

Murray Thom, music entrepreneur, has produced The Great New Zealand Song Book, a 100-page hardback journal in a red presentation box (featuring the Four Square storekeeper character) including two CDs featuring 40 of New Zealand's top recording artists.

09:45 Pacific report with correspondent Phillipa Tolley

RNZ journalist who's just returned from Fiji

10:05 Senator Ted Kennedy

Peter Canellos, editor of Last Lion - The Fall and Rise of Ted Kennedy

10:30 Book Review with Penny Ashton

Always Looking Up by Michael J Fox
Published by Ebury Press
ISBN 978 009 192 8261

10:45 Reading. Telegraph Tales by J Edward Brown

(Part 5 of 5)

The final in a series of five stories about Jimmy Preston - cadet telegraphist.

11:05 Music Review with Manu Taylor

Melody Gardot - "My One And Only Thrill" - 2009 Verve/Universal Classics and Jazz VERVE1796782

Oval Office - "Oval Office" - 2008 Self Released OVAL01

Hannah Howes - "Candy" 2009 Self Released/Rhythmethod RM00013

11:30 Sport with Joseph Romanos

11:45 Week That Was with Radar and Irene Pink