Nine to Noon for Wednesday 18 June

9:05 New generation medicines

Is health care being priced out of the market?
We ask why New Zealand has fallen behind other countries in providing access to new generation medicine, and how that's impacting on patients.

Dalton Kelly, from NZ Cancer Society; Alex Sundakov, Executive Director of Castalia - an international economics consultancy; Steve Koerber, an Aucklander who has psoriatic arthritis and pays full-price for a medicine that's free to patients in Australia; and Matthew Brougham, Pharmac spokesman.

9:30 The coroner's report into the death of Karl Kuchenbecker

Paul Kuchenbecker's son Karl was murdered by Graeme Burton while Burton was on parole. A coroner's report has held no one accountable for the death but Mr Kuchenbecker senior is not happy.

9:45 Australia corresondent Paul Barclay

10:05 Chicago based author and writer who has suffered from a chronic headache for 17 years

Paula Kamen, author of All in my Head, says medical professionals should take a common complaint - the headache - more seriously.

10:30 Book Review: The Lakes of Mars by Chris Orsman

Reviewed by Anne Buchanan
Published by Auckland University Press, ISBN 978 186 940 4086

10:45 Book Reading: Edwin & Matilda by Laurence Fearnley

11:05 Artist of the week with Marty Duda

Today's feature artist is Coldplay

Tracks featured:

from the 2000 album Parachutes

The Scientist
from 2002 album A Rush Of Blood To The Head

taken from the 2005 album X&Y

Viva la Vida
taken from the 2008 album Viva La Vida or Death And All His Friends

11:30 Law commentator Dean Knight

Today's topics include a discussion on the recent High Court hearing into the lawfulness of many abortions, the Supreme Court decision on a compensation claim over the RSA killings, Electoral Finance declarations, and jockey Lisa Cropp exhausts her appeals over a positive drugs test.

11:45 Film Review with Graeme Tuckett

Narnia: Prince Caspian (NZ director Andrew Adamson)
The Happening (latest from M. Night Shyamalan who brough us The Sixth Sense)
Grow Your Own (UK comedy set in an allotment garden)