Nine To Noon for Wednesday 20 February 2008
On Nine to Noon Today
9:05 DHBs sentinel events
Dr Mary Seddon, Clinical Director of the Quality Improvement Unit at Counties Manukau DHB; and Dr Pat Sneddon, Chairman of the Quality Improvement Committee
9:20 NZ Drug laws - 2008 Parliamentary Drug Policy Roundtable
Professor David Knutt, English pharmacologist - outspoken critic; and Ross Bell, Executive Director of the Drug Foundation
9:45 Australia correspondent Ray Moynihan
10:05 Indian Ink (Arts Festival guest)
Jacob Rajan, writer and performer, who co-wrote Krishnan's Dairy, The Candlestickmaker, The Pickle King and The Dentist's Chair
10:30 Book Review with Laura Kroetsch - 'Not Quite What I Was Planning' by Larry Smith
(HarperCollins ISBN 978 006 137 4050)
10:45 Book Reading: 'The Sound of Butterflies' by Rachael King
(Part 9 of 11)
11:05Music with Marty Duda - Loudon Wainwright III
11:30 Law with Dean Knight
11:45 Television Review with Simon Wilson, Senior Writer, Metro