7:12 Can psychology help the environment?

Head of Psychology at University of Canterbury, Professor Don Hine gives us a crash course on the psychology behind environmental campaigns like Plastic Free July. 

Head of Psychology at University of Canterbury, Professor Don Hine

Photo: University of Canterbury

7:30  At The Movies

On At the Movies, Dan Slevin looks at at three new films and one rediscovery. He reviews the new Marvel superhero movie Thor - Love and Thunder, written and directed by Taika Waititi; Academy Award winner Mark Rylance starring as the real life "worst golfer in the world" in The Phantom of the Open; and a double-feature of music films, the rediscovered Songs for Drella featuring Lou Reed and John Cale, and a new film about Nick Cave, This Much I Know to Be True.

8:10 The Hump

The Hump is our Wednesday night Quiz Night where we take a dive into the archives of Nga Taonga Sound and Vision for some audio gems and we want to see if you can identify them.

The prize tonight is 2 very different novels - so hopefully something for everyone
        1) Entaglement By Bryan Walpert
        2) How to Marry Harry by Nikki Perry and Kirsty Roby

8:15 Pacific Waves

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Koroi Hawkins presents a daily current affairs programme that delves deeper into the major stories of the week, through a Pacific lens, and shines a light on issues affecting Pacific people wherever they are in the world.

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Photo: RNZ Pacific

8:30 Window on The World

Are viruses the key to fighting infections? As bacteria increasingly evade the antibiotics we've relied on for nearly a century. Could bacteriophages - viruses that hunt and kill bacteria - be part of the solution?

bacteriophages on a bacteria

Many bacteriophages that have attached themselves to the outer cell wall of a bacteria. This image was taken on an electron microoscope. Photo: CC BY-SA 3.0 Graham Beards

9:07 "Re-Covering"

Rev Frank Ritchie talks about the new season of his "Re-Covering" podcast - where he sits down with some of New Zealand's top journalists to unpack the one story from their career that has most impacted them, personally and professionally.


9:30 Quiz Answer

We find out who is tonight's quiz whizz.

9:40 The Mysterious Particles of Physics 

The machine that discovered the Higgs Boson 10 years ago is about to restart after a massive upgrade, to dig deeper into the heart of matter and the nature of the Universe. Roland Pease meets the scientists wondering why the Universe is the way it is. 

The Large Hadron Collider is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator.

The Large Hadron Collider is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator. Photo: CERN

10:17 Late Edition

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Photo: RNZ

Lately is on hold for the week but we'll have all the breaking news, a little analysis of the stories of the moment, and some highlights of the day on RNZ National.

11:07 Inside Out

Nick Tipping hosts a journey through the jazz spectrum playing favourites, standards and new releases along the way. Tonight Nick checks out musicians from the Bay of Plenty, from the 1980s to the present day.

RNZ Concert presenter: Nick Tipping

RNZ Concert presenter: Nick Tipping Photo: RNZ / Rebekah Parsons-King