7:10 Gold Medal Parents

Advice for parents wanting to develop the potential of their sport-mad kids with Australian high performance sports advisor Wayne Goldsmith.

7:30 At the Movies

Films and movie business with Simon Morris.

8:00 News & Weather

8:15 Windows on the World

International public radio documentaries - visit the Windows on the World web page to find links to these documentaries.

8:40 Arts: Hip Hop

Ethnomusicologist Dr Kirsten Zemke from the University of Auckland on the musical genre that developed as part of hip hop culture, and is defined by four key stylistic elements: rapping, DJing/scratching, sampling, and beatboxing... gangster rap started back in 1988.

9:00 News & Weather

9:06 The Wednesday Drama: The Boxer by Matthew Saville

The Boxer is a humorous biography of Robert Fitzsimmons, the Timaru blacksmith who fought his way to the top of the world.

Robert Fitzsimmons on Dictionary New Zealand Biography

10:00 News & Weather

10:17 Late Edition

A review of the leading news from Morning Report, Nine to Noon, Afternoons and Checkpoint. Also hear the latest news from around the Pacific on Radio New Zealand International's Dateline Pacific.

11:00 News & Weather

11:06 Round Midnight with Martin Kwok

Bringing vinyl archives back to the foreground, and celebrating the work of jazz pioneers from throughout the eras.